So I mention her because she wrote me this amazing…ok, I know I throw that word around a lot but we’ll talk about my vocabulary later…back to my “amazing” story…she wrote me this stellar email. Not only in the fact that she reads this blog:) but it was filled to the brim to overflowing with words of exhortation, enlightenment and encouragement (all the good “E” words). So I asked if I can quote her a bit…she said yes so I’m using the handwriting font to show what she said…then my font to show my comments….please read on…
I must tell you too how I have been enjoying your blog… it lifts and inspires me. It makes me really stop and think – contemplate – meditate on …I will even venture to say that it makes me feel like the cobwebs of this 62 year old brain get fluffed and blown and aired… Hello….I LOVE this gal...funny! It reaffirms that my identity in Christ is so much stronger now than ever before now this blessed me immensely because we should all know who we are in Christ...I’m still getting there myself:)
it makes me wish I was more disciplined to journal my thoughts and conversations that my Creator and I have. Let me it folks. But don’t get down on yourself if you don’t. I’m this way...I’ll journal beautifully for a while (a week, maybe a month) then all of a sudden DRY. No time to spend writing, my life is on supersonic speed. So I’ve learned to just be ok with it either or don’t. BUT, now listen here, if God tells you something...speaks to you in any yourself a favor and record it. If God spoke it to your spirit then its important! And the fact that you’re taking the time to hear from Him is equally important...IF you take the time you can bet He’ll speak to you so be ready...back to juicy quotes...
., inspire and encourage me to hold on to truth and not settle for compromise…... .
Yay! I don’t know how I do that for someone but God spoke to me months ago to blog & I’ve been muddling through with random thoughts & finally I feel I have purpose. To share my unique way of looking at a decorated sense. It should be beautiful & my prayer & hope is to continue to be “light” and “salt” WITHOUT judgment or condemnation (ditto…and more ditto to follow)
He has been showing me who He created ME to be and it has been such a revelation of love, freedom, joy, contentment, peace – what an AWESOME God we serve. What an AWESOME LOVE!!! So simply thank you… you are such a blessing in more ways than you can imagine!!
His light shines – actually BURNS through you!!! She went on to share with me a recent victory she experienced after spending time in prayer for one of her “enemies” (my word not hers) and how God turned a situation around so I encourage you to
Live Decorated by praying for someone not exactly on your favorite list.
I was challenged to do the same today!
Yay…super big shout it from the rooftops…THANKS for the encouragement & for letting me use your words to lift others hearts. God is a BIG God & He has great things for you! YOU! Did you hear me??? You… sitting right there reading this seemingly pointless collection of words. Take ahold of it by faith & lift someone else up along the way.
Be blessed!
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