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keep reading to see why this ties into my post..... |
So why not celebrate someone who has made a difference in your life by doing, giving or sharing whatever comes up in your heart to do or say, for or to someone. Let's ACT, my friends. Act in love, by faith, with boldness. I think we should start with our spouses or for the singles, your folks. Here's a little tip: you'll walk away just as blessed as they are if not more so.
Let me leave you with a story to spark your creative giving juices: read on....
Recently I made a large gift basket with the "best" items I could scrounge up from my collections. I made a small work of art, then I created a cool frame for it. I also gave a "Bride" Scentsy warmer (my current favorite) with some tropical fragrance. I wrote "Live Decorated" in gold paint pen on one end of my favorite scarves that traveled all over the world with me ...then added that to the basket with a deep breath! (That was a tough one to let go) I then added little bits like a David & Nicole Binion worship CD (amazing couple with a huge anointing for worship) a pearl beaded necklace I made from a key and vintage jewelry and a Zig Ziglar glass paper weight with an uplifting message that I can't remember now. All floating on a bed of aqua silk fabric in a gigantic funky basket we bought from a garage sale....(gotta love a Saturday morning garage sale adventure)
I felt good about giving this from-the-heart-best-of-my-collection gift knowing that you have to sow GOOD seed to get a GOOD harvest (2 Corinthians 9:6-11 says it ALL). I wrote a card to the one who would receive it and prayed a blessing over it along with a request for direction as to where to sow this seed. It sat in my house for a few weeks, then my garage for several more. That thing was totally in my way & on my nerves by the time 3 months had passed. Each time I walked by it I'd thank God for showing me who that was for so I could hurry up and sow it:) Meanwhile I had a friend speak into my life about "friendships" and "what it means to be a good neighbor". I couldn't really figure out what it all meant until today.
To shed light on the subject let me take a side journey story which will all tie up:
Across the street from us (in our last neighborhood) was a friendly, very active couple who knew just about everyone who walked or drove by. I would see them from time to time & offer a quick hello wave....always too busy for a chat.
A few weeks ago, while moving, he stopped me in the street and asked if we had sold the house. He then warmly offered up the most wonderful words that brought me to tears...."how you raise those kids like you do and work as hard as you do...." He also said since he and his wife give nicknames to everyone in the neighborhood so they won't have to remember names. Wanna know what they nicknamed me? "Superwoman"!!!!! Wow! I was floored to receive such strongly worded compliments from such a sweet gentleman.
Now here's the hard pill I had to swallow :
Through a mini update of their lives the last several months he told me his wife nearly died. Hospitalization, tests, treatments, surgery, specialists, more tests and more hospitalization has kept them indoors and even caused him to quit his job to take care of her. As I sat dumbfounded in my car that day hearing the morbid details I was overwhelmed with compassion and sadness. Sadness because I was right across the street that whole time and I was too consumed with my busy, selfish life that I wasn't sensitive to the needs of others around me. What a shame. I'm so thankful for the divine appointment I had on that street corner and that now I can pray for that fine couple every time they enter my thoughts.
Our Little Lesson: everyone, at one point or another, needs something. It could be as simple as new clothes (insert smile and wink here) or as big as a mortgage payment or the healing miracle power of God. Whatever it may be....what if you're the one God has sent to meet that need? The answer to their prayer may lie in your obedience to God.
That day I knew who that basket was for.....these folks who didn't even know my name. There was only one thing missing... a BOOK. One of my favorite thing to give because "a word fitly spoken and in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver". Psalm 25:11 I felt led to buy them my favorite book on healing by Norvel Hayes "How to Live and Not Die".....really a must read for all!
Live with an attitude of celebration! |
Winding down to the end of my story so sit tight.... since I knew they rarely sat outside I had every intention of leaving it at the front door but as I rounded the corner they were sitting right there....as if waiting for my arrival.
Giving is sometimes the best way to show God's love!
It was the MOST FUN I had all week, I tell ya!
So search your heart and ask God how you can be a blessing to someone around you. Go for it!!!
Oh, and check back here for a high end style story....that chair above is just a hint of the high end French boutique style comin' at ya THIS WEEK! (now that I have a monitor for my computer I can catch up with the blog)
Love n hugs n generous gifts,
Diella Wyatt (for details about the name change read on.....)
Once again, you speak eight to my heart. I love you!
ReplyDeleteRight to my heart...silly phone