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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

what's your dream?

Do you have a dream?  a vision? goals for your life?  

Well a random little act we saw at Sea World (the sea lion show) started the wheels turning (you'll have to watch the video).  Now that you've seen the video you'll recall the scene where the young girl is talking to the seal about having a dream to become a detective.  She's driven, focused, ambitious but has proven herself faithful in her current responsibilities.   There are a few directions I can go just with that little 30 second take 
2. prove yourself faithful 
3. luck vs. faith (she said "this may be our lucky day" clue: God is faithFULL)

but here's where I'll take you:

This girl has a dream....
a special purpose that bubbles up on the inside of her
in the form of passion, zeal, excitement
she's speaking it out of her mouth by faith...  

we've all been given a gift
we're all called for a purpose
placed on the inside of us by our Creator!

What's YOUR dream?  

Did you know I had NO idea what I was called to be when I grew up until about the age of 30? Yep.  I'm not alone, I know many people who didn't realize their calling until much later in life.  Are you in the same boat as I was? 

The really cool thing about God is that if you want to know what He's called you to be...to do... all you have to do is ask Him, get in His word, read about His promises, find out who you are in Christ, hold strong to that word, and here's the part I struggled with for a long while....you must then LISTEN.  The more time you spend with Him the more you'll crave His word & His presence and the more you'll recognize His voice.  

another side to it all: We know God made you with a purpose.. that means if you aren't in your place then the others who are to be on your team can't be in their place so get in line & see what God has for you.  If you know God has been nudging you toward a certain direction or leading you to do something or say something....do it.  Obey and you will see THE BLESSING of God pouring out in your life then into the lives of those around you...be BLESSED to be a blessing.  

Walk with me friends....to a closer relationship with Him.....we'll decorate along the way...I have some thriftiness furniture & decor ideas and more staging tips down the line as we ride this wild roller coaster of life through adventure, inspiration, relationships, love and FAITH!!!!

TIP:  start with a seed...read this about the miracle of seed time and harvest...sow it wherever God tells you to give. Believe and expect a harvest, that God's perfect will WILL be done in your life...through you.  You can move nations...and shall.  

random Bonus tip:  I'll tell you something....a person should be serving where God called them to serve not to please man but to obey God....I mean, really! 

Hmmmm...that gets me thinking....no, no, no....I'm NOT going to keep talking:)  

hugs n a happy day full of joy & peace to ya!



  1. I did have a dream once but circumstances seem to have ruled that out now so I'm wondering if it was God or not now.

    1. Don't be afraid to dream big...just spend time with God in worship and prayer...ask Him to guide you and simply obey anything He asks of you....even though it isn't always easy the rewards far out weigh the sacrifice!!! Much love to you as you press into His big plans through dreams and goals!!!!


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