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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

10 things to do if you're in transition

Thanks Transition is no easy thing.  Passing through one season of life to another takes effort, focus, patience, direction and most of all….time.  How long does transition take?  It all depends.
It could take days, weeks, months and even years to move through a transition into the next phase or season of life.  It can’t be rushed.  We’re all so very different and each situation presents new challenges.

Why are you in transition?  Are you in crisis mode or simply moving up in the world?  Maybe you’re not here by choice.  Any number of situations could’ve brought you to this point.  Divorce, marriage, having a baby, losing a child, kids going away to college,
you’re going back to college, ending or starting a relationship, moving jobs or starting a new career and even physically moving locations.  There are countless reasons someone could find themselves in transition.

Here are some tips to getting through a transition as smoothly as possible.  Now, this is by no means a be all end all list of do's in order to avoid failure or decrease the amount of time in this sobering process.  Maybe sobering isn't the right word here but I think you get where I'm coming from.  Don't rush the process.

  1. Evaluate:  An honest look at where you’ve been, what you’ve experienced and where you're headed or would like to head is pretty crucial.  Ask yourself what you want to, or are supposed to, learn out of this.  There’s always a lesson.  Don’t stress out about this step.  You may not even learn the lesson until you’re at the end of your transition.  It just helps to be totally honest with yourself and lay it all out there.  NEVER beat yourself if you’re here because of a mistake you made or poor decision or failure.  It's in the past…receive forgiveness and let’s focus on moving forward….it’s the only way to go.
  2. Pray:  DAILY (it may seem like a no-brainer)  This is the foundation of this entire process.  How can you discover your full potential and purpose or even your next step without asking the One who made ALL things….including you….in all your uniqueness!  Ask God specifically where to go, what to do, what to let go of, what to start doing and ultimately what is His will for your life.  
  3. Read:  Get a good book that will open your eyes to a new perspective on your situation. I’m reading a great book right now that I would highly recommend at any stage of your life.  I Quit by Geri Scazzero.  There’s also Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.  Another good one is Life! By Design by Tom Ferry.  These are just a few ideas but I know you’ll find a book that’s right for you.  The key here is to get out of your head and acquire a new perspective.
  4. Goals:  Write them down.  Seriously this is a big one.  Where do you see you in 3 months? 3 years?  Write it down.  Then find a way to make your goals bite sized.  I heard from a wise woman, Terri Savelle Foy, during one of her podcasts about how to build S.M.A.R.T. goals.  Specific. Measurable. Action-oriented. Realistic. Time-line.  write them down and put them in front of you.  This is the step I’m learning how to do as we speak.  This is a tough one but we can do this!  (she even has a book about this Dream It, Pin It, Live It) 
  5. Help:  Help someone else going through something.  Maybe you serve in the local food pantry.  Perhaps you drop off groceries on someone’s door-step.  Maybe a single mom who you think might be struggling.  Make dinner for a neighbor one day.  If we take our eyes off our own problems and concerns, even if only momentarily we can gain a clearer perspective.  Everyone struggles and we all need a little help at some point.  It doesn’t have to involve food but you get the idea:)
  6. Journal:  Writing down thoughts, ideas, fears, weaknesses, strengths, plans, dreams and even questions running around in your mind can be wildly beneficial to your process.  Getting something down onto paper is key.  No matter the phase of life we can all benefit from this tool.
  7. Guidance:  Seek wise counsel.  At some point in our lives, we realize we can’t do it all on our own.  We occasionally need outside support from someone we know makes wise decisions.  If this person is someone who prays, even better.  The power of two people joining together to pray is indescribable.  Could be a teacher, a mentor, a coach, a pastor or simply a close friend.  Someone you can trust.  
  8. Silence:  Each day sitting in silence and solitude can be therapeutic and even help you come to an answer that’ll help you along the process.  Most of us don’t allow ourselves the downtime to be quiet and to just sit.  Still.  Time to think and ponder without anything tugging or pulling at you.  This could even be a long soaking bath with the door locked.  (moms you know what I’m talking about…even bathing can turn into a family affair when they barge in with questions or problems)
  9. Self-Love:  Take care of YOU!  No one else will do the job you’ve been designed to do on your own.  Take ownership of your current health condition.  Are you hydrating?  Are you eating right? (this is a TOUGH one for me) Are you exercising? (ouch, this hurts) Could you be taking more time (even if only 30 minutes a day) to focus on your body?  mind? soul?  You’re a complex being and there are so many facets to who you are, if you’re neglecting a part of you then the rest of you can ultimately pay the price.  It’s all tied together and you can’t just gloss over this one.
  10. Enjoy:  Remember life is a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy this process.  Learn to be in each moment, finding the good along the path of this journey.  Life is meant to be lived now…not tomorrow or 3 years from now.  You may be like me and in a seemingly constant state of transition so enjoying the journey is essential.  Learn what you can, mourn what you lost and rise up….this new and improved YOU.

Love yourself each and every step of the way remembering that it's not perfection we strive for…because that would be downright ludicrous …. its authenticity we’re looking for.  Embrace your authentic, creative self and life will shine through the ashes.  

You’re gonna make it!  You were created for greatness, don’t you know?  It all starts here and now…..or it may have started yesterday but you catch my drift.  Call this a fresh start.  And don’t be overwhelmed by these 10 points…they’re simply ideas to help get you on track.  Use the ones that fit, scrap the ones that don’t.    Make it your own cause this IS life.  Live Decorated!

If you have a suggestion, idea or thought you want to share regarding your transition (either now or times past)….PLEASE leave a comment below.  I seriously love to hear from you.

God Bless and tootles, 


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