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Monday, July 18, 2011

Do I have to eat?

I am surrounded by the most wonderful people!  People that love God.  People that know how to pray.  People that support, encourage & lift each other up.  People with a hunger for God & His will for our lives.  I am truly blessed!  Some great things....great big things are taking place right now.  Things I look forward to sharing one day, as the Lord allows.  Victory!  Breakthrough! 

Family's all in bed & I'm so excited I can create, blog, read my book "Heaven is for Real", or just chill with a cup of tea.  So why oh why is it that all I can think about is putting on my eye pillow & getting some much needed rest for body, rest for mind?  Why did God make us to need sleep?  I sure could get a LOT more done if I didn't have to sleep:)  Funny.......usually its 2am before I'm feeling this way thinking BED...NOW!

That brings up another question which I'll have to save for Jesus when I'm in heaven: why do we have to eat?  On occasion I enjoy eating.  You know, lunch after church with friends, dinner with my honey at a fancy restaurant, stinky cheese with fruit & crackers.  But for the most part I eat because I need it....my tummy screams & the room starts spinning if I don't get it.  You can't tell this by looking at me though.....excess fat BE GONE in the name of Jesus!  The name of Jesus is powerful folks!  Never doubt that.

Oh, then there's the nursing factor...baby's gotta eat too:)  Time for a bowl of cereal before bed!  Ciao

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